USM Security

Securing residential areas

Protection for your home and your community

Residential area security is an essential part of the modern security strategy that aims to protect neighborhoods and their residents from crime, vandalism and other security threats. By implementing customized security concepts by USM Security GmbH, ranging from video surveillance and regular patrols to access control systems and emergency response plans, residential area security ensures a safe and secure environment. These measures help to strengthen the residents' sense of security and at the same time promote harmonious coexistence in the community.

Prevention through a visible security presence

Comprehensive security concepts for residential areas

A visible security presence in residential areas has a preventative effect against potential security risks. Regular patrols and the presence of security personnel ensure that suspicious activities are detected at an early stage and responded to accordingly. This is not only to deter criminals, but also to provide rapid assistance in emergencies. A proactive approach to residential area security promotes a sense of security and satisfaction among residents and contributes to a positive quality of life.

Why choose us?

Experience, professionalism and commitment to your safety

Sense of security

A strong security concept gives residents a greater sense of security.

Prevention and protection

Reduction of the risk of crime and vandalism in the living space minimized.

Safe environment

A safe and secure environment promotes satisfaction and quality of life in the community.

Contact us

USM Security

Heidelberger Landstraße. 246
64297 Darmstadt

Phone: 06151/9145640
Mobil: 0176/24142790


Our business hours

You can reach us at the following times:

Monday - Friday 24 hours
Saturday 24 hours
Sunday 24 hours
Security question